Walking Fleece
Want to participate in the Walking Fleece Competition?
Register through the Alpacapalooza Registration Site.
Here's some more information about Walking Fleece:
What is Walking Fleece? Just like a fleece show, walking fleece is divided by breed type, Color Group, Age division, and lastly by single color designation if there are enough (4 or more of a single color designation) to divide out. Male and female alpacas will show in the same class in the same way they do in level I, II and III fleece shows. A scorecard will be used, just as in a fleece show, and a judge will evaluate your alpaca’s fleece verbally giving scores to a scribe which will be tabulated, transcribed to a master judging sheet and then later disbursed with ribbons to the class participants. The judge may give other oral comments during the hands-on evaluation. Once the scores are tabulated, they will be placed 1st – 6th in each class. Once the entire color group has been before the judge, then the highest score will be the Color Champion and the second highest score will be the Reserve Champion. This is an absolute system of judging, unlike a halter class which is a comparative system of judging.
What to expect: Your class will be announced over the sound system. Generally, a walking fleece show taking place at the same time as a halter show will start at a different color group than where the halter show is starting on that day. This is done so that the same alpaca is not due in the halter show ring at the same time as it is due in the Walking Fleece ring. When your class is called, you are required to bring your haltered alpaca to the walking fleece ring and check in with the gatekeeper. Depending on how many alpacas are in your class, and how many arrive before you, will depend on when you go before the judge. Unlike halter, you do not need to line up by birthdate. It takes between 4 and 6 minutes on average for a judge to evaluate each alpaca. If you are due in the halter ring with another alpaca, it is important to check in with the walking fleece gate and let them know that you will come as soon as you are finished in the halter ring or may need to go 1st in line for judging in the Walking Fleece. Communication is the key. It is important for you to show in your assigned class. The new show rules do allow for a handler swap for the alpaca to remain at the show ring after judging should the handler be needed to show in another show ring. Remember it is important to stay in the area until the entire class has been judged and dismissed in case there are ties and the judge needs to see your alpaca again. The score sheet will need to be tabulated and then transcribed for each individual participant, and all registered participants for a class will need to be judged before any ribbons are handed out. For a full explanation of the AOA rules on procedures during a Walking Fleece Show, please refer to the 2019 Show Rules Book page 76. Just as in a halter or fleece show, ribbons are awarded for 1st – 6th place. A scorecard will be provided for ALL participants, regardless of whether a ribbon is awarded.
When will you get your results? As stated before, scores will need to be tabulated and transcribed, added up a second time and checked for accuracy by two different people. Once the entire class has been judged, transcribed, and the sheet signed by the judge, the scorecards and ribbons may be distributed. If an alpaca has not made it to their assigned class due to a ring conflict, then the scorecards and ribbons will be held back until that alpaca has been judged. Just like a fleece show, alpacas may be moved from one color group to another by the judge. If an alpaca needs to be moved by the judge due to a color change which was not found at color check, they will either be asked to return to the correct class if it has not been held yet, or it will be added to the score sheet for a class which has already been judged as long as the ribbons have not been distributed yet for that class.