About AAWW
AAWW goals are to raise public awareness of alpacas and their luxurious natural fiber share knowledge and resources, plan and organize alpaca events, and represent the interest of our membership as an affiliate organization of AOA. We hope to accomplish these goals while networking, building lasting friendships and helping each other grow our farms and enjoy.... Life is Better with Alpacas!
With the goal of staying current and meeting member needs, members with the assistance of the board completed a line by line review of the bylaws governing our organization. During the March 2021 meeting we all reviewed the bylaws, made a few additional changes, voted and the revised bylaws.
Thank you to all who provided input during the review. It's always great to see how everyone comes together to help improve our organization.
AAWW Bylaws March 2021.pdf
If you have any questions, please contact one of our board members.